Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Tips To Conserve Your Home This Winter

The facility of a cozy, warm home in winter will help us to forget about the multiple layers of clothing and the short days. Follow the maintenance of schedule throughout the winter, that will certainly benefit you in the winter, try to be aware of the cold conditions and the hazards can bring to your home. These guidelines will help to locate your weather in the winter season with a well-maintained home.

Here are some tips to maintain your home in winter

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Remove the Leaves & Debris from Gutters

In this season the trees get bared and the leaves are landed in most of inconvenient places like roofs, gutters and also make sure that you break the rake. By this it would be simple to leave, until the snow falls. If the debris and leaves are allowed to place in gutters, they build a dam which prevents the water draining properly which leads to damage of your home.

Check Windows for Drafts

This is one of the simple job that saves your money during this season while keeping home warm. An easy way to check your broken seals or drafts around the windows by taking help from your friend. That is, light a candle and walk around inside, on the other side tell your friend to move around with a hair dryer blowing at edges of windows. In this case if candle flicks, then you have a break in seal of the window. Now replace the cracked with covering around the window.

Remove the Snow from Roof

Once the fluffy white snow begins falling, it leads to new jobs to roll in. It is important to keep your pathways & sidewalks free from snow. If ice and snow builds on the roof, that leads to number of issues. The ice dam forms the edge on your roof which prevents the water flow from draining.

Reversing direction of ceiling fans

When heat rises, from your heater or furnace or fireplace rises and stands at top of roof. Then the solution is to reverse the direction of ceiling fan. If changing the direction it will send the heat from the roof. Ensure that your ceiling fan should work in clockwise rotation also.

Bundle up & stay warm

This is the best tip to save money and energy also, reduce thermostat by one degree and you can save average of 2% on your energy bill.

There you have it! Some important tips to maintain your home in winter season. So, what you plan special to keep your house warm in winter?