Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Five Tasks Essential for Your Fall Garden

We are very close to the winter and we often forget that our garden there, even though most of the plants and grass enter latency necessary follow care to look amazing in spring.

Here is the basic care to safeguard your garden.

Five Tasks Essential for Your Fall Garden

Five Tasks Essential for Your Fall Garden

1. Clean:  Withdraws wilted summer annuals and replace them with traditional autumn plants like chrysanthemums (they will give color to the garden), thoughts, headless and Chinese cabbage, marigolds, coreopsis, Russian sage.

2. Pasture: Turf yellowing seems that burns and is dead, but it’s just a break. If your garden is small it is recommended to cover with a thin fabric to breathe and protected from the cold.

According to the experts at Home Depot in winter watering only once a week and should be in the form of rain, no jet (opens thus watering holes in the ground and left exposed seeds and roots very easily die with cold) for about 15 minutes.

3. Nurture: In the fall thanks to the cool nights, the rain and morning dew is a magnificent lawn to supply the nutrients it needs to recover from the damage it has suffered over the summer period. In fact, the application of fertilizer in early fall is one of the most important of the year (Miracle-Gro Shake’n Feed Continuous Release Plant Food is very effective). The time to put fertilizer is at most the last week of autumn, not winter recommend.

You can plant trees and shrubs after planting, water them thoroughly, cover with compost and, if necessary, a rod atlas rights to grow. Watering trees and shrubs all one last time before the arrival of winter, especially newly planted.

4. Floor bulbous flowers: They are the best adapted for planting in the season, and although not bloom during the winter are the seeds that resiten temperature of the season and reach bloom in early spring. Remember that these flowers live only in the spring, are not perennial.

When planting bulbs, when the instructions did not say otherwise, always and do it with the tip toward the surface of the earth and the flat side down. Divide perennials that need dividing in the fall, such as poppies, peonies, heuchera, coreopsis, hardy geraniums, zinnias, daylilies, hostas, lilies. Prepare a cover crop (green manure), so that the garden is ready for the following spring.

5. Keep cleaning: Finally, remove debris and grass seedlings to prevent insect pests survive there during the winter. Raking leaves and store them for compost.

The damage caused by white grubs is most severe in late summer, so now it is time to use a product to control (such as Bayer Advanced 24 hours). To check for grubs in the garden, look for these symptoms: weight loss and general weakening of the grass, the grass is withered and dry, you see big brown or irregular patches on the grass or large patches of dead land that can remove a piece or find moles, birds or raccoons digging in your lawn (they are animals that feed on worms).

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